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If you have in your Facebook page custom made pages (like a landing page, welcome page, product page, etc.), make sure that you have a SSL certificate for them. Facebook requires from October 01, 2011 that all applications (and since the change to iframes ccustom pages are applications) need to have a SSL certificate. If you don’t have a SSL certificate, your custom made pages will not show anymore on Facebook. The change was made to make Facebook saver and protect your information better.
[whiteblkbox]How can I get a SSL certificate?[/whiteblkbox]
Your webhost will be able to help you with that. I have most of my and my clients websites with Godaddy. Godaddy charges $ 69.99 per year for a SSL certificate ( One certificate will be enough to cover all your custom pages in Facebook.
[whiteblkbox]Is there an easier way?[/whiteblkbox]
Absolutely! Instead of going through the trouble of getting and installing a SSL certificate for your custom made pages, you can use one of the iframe applications to build your page. I can recommend Shortstack ( Up to 2000 likes their custom pages are free. They have a SSL certificate and your page will be fine come October 01, 2011. There are other applications as well, so just do a Google search if you want to go with one of the other ones.